Seasonal Affective Disorder - S.A.D
….. What is it. How it can affect you. What you can do to help yourself.
Gluten Free, Vegan, No Refined Sugar, “My Granola.”
What makes my Gluten Free, Vegan with no refined sugar Granola so good & healthy compared to most commercial shop bought brands?
The “Clean 15 & Dirty Dozen” of Produce
Do you know The “Clean 15 & Dirty Dozen?”
If you do, that’s great. You’ll be well on your way to eating for your best health and wellness now and your future.
Berry Fruit & Chia Seed “Zero” Refined Sugar Compote
Why is this Berry Fruit & Chia Seed “Zero” Refined Sugar Compote so good & healthy compared to most commercial shop bought brands?
Relax & Calm with your Senses
How to use our senses to promote more relaxation & calm in our life.
It starts with ‘Tuning-in’ to ‘Tune-out’ with a simple mindfulness technique. It’s one of my favourite tools and its simple to do anywhere at anytime.
Healthy Blueberry Muffins
Why these blueberry muffins are a healthy compared to most shop bought muffins?
Food, Nutrition & Diet - Eating right
Learning the principles of good nutrition and applying them in life is one of my top 5 wellbeing recommendations.
The 80:20 Rule
What is it? The 80 20 rule states that 20 percent of your activities will account for 80 percent of your results.
3 ways to get better sleep
How to get good quality sleep on a regular basis, is one of the most frequent patient-to-doctor asked question’s.
Gut Friends - 7 gut friendly foods
There are around 40 trillion bacteria in the human body, most of which are found in the gut. An estimated 70-80% of your immune system is located in the gut.
Circadian Rhythms
Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles that are part of the body’s internal clock. Constantly running in the background carrying out essential functions and processes. Essential for our Wellbeing and our Health.
Take the Plunge
The New Science of Cold Exposure shows that it can: Reduce Stress, Boost Immunity and Increase Resilience. Hot, health benefits from a regular dip in the cold.
2023 Health Tips
How was your health in 2022?
Want to step into the New Year feeling motivated and with more energy?
Curious to find way’s to improve your health in 2023?
Walking for Wellbeing
Stressed? Overworked? Overtired? Struggling to find balance in your life?
What’s one thing that’s been consistently proven to help ease an overworked mind & body, that’s simple, easy and free to do?
A challenge? or a chance to learn, grow and flourish?
Fall into Good Health this Autumn –
- With Traditional Chinese Medicine’s (TCM) Five elements and the seasons. The four Key TCM Principles are:
Blue Zone Living for Longer
“Blue Zone” is a term used for areas in the world where people tend to live longer lives, often reaching up to age 90 and even age 100 and beyond.
Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine
Stressed? Overworked? Overtired? Struggling to find balance in your life? A lifestyle prescription from your Health & Wellbeing Coach could just be what you need.
Tune in to Your Senses
Working together, our senses enable us to understand and navigate the world around us, connecting us with others and allowing us to appreciate our morning cup of choice.
The Wheel of Life
A powerful exercise to help people understand each aspect of their life and gain clarity on their goals.