Food, Nutrition & Diet - Eating right

Learning the principles of good nutrition and applying them in life is one of my top 5 wellbeing recommendations. The human digestive system ‘gut’ is complex. One thing that seems agreed upon is that the gut microbiome impacts our whole-body health. From having a strong immune system, good heart health, brain health, improved mood, to healthy sleep as well as effective full digestion. And it all starts with our food, nutrition and diet choices,‘eating right’ for our individual health and vitality needs.

But did you know that choosing when, where and how to eat is as important as what we eat? These components in the right or wrong balance can also have an impact how we feel, function and enjoy life.

How do you feel?

  • Tired all the time?

  • Trouble sleeping?

  • Food cravings, especially sugar?

  • Weight gain or Loss?

  • Skin problems?

  • Low mood?

  • Stressed?

  • Constipated, Bloated?

Identify with any of the above symptoms? If you do, keep reading……

I’m not going to advocate a specific diet, certain foods to eat or avoid today. instead i’m going to place the spotlight on some “Non Food” suggestions. Things that can impact energy level’s and mood as well as our food choices,. in other words, either helping or hindering our journey to health & vitality.

What can you do?

  • Get More Sleep. Getting enough sleep can help promote a healthy gut. Not getting enough or sufficient quality of sleep may have serious impacts on our gut health, which can in turn contribute to more sleep issues.

  • Eat slowly and chew every mouthful thoroughly. Digestion starts in the mouth. Chewing your food thoroughly and eating your meals more slowly may lower the chances of developing obesity and diabetes while also helping to make better food choices.

  • Drink More Water. Staying hydrated benefits our health overall and can help prevent constipation. It’s a simple way to promote good health.

  • Avoid Stress. Chronic high levels of stress are hard on your whole body, including digestion and good gut bacteria.

  • Eat a pro Health’ diet…..

….Start eating for better health and vitality right now. Change to a ‘Pro Health’ diet.

Want to start eating for better health? Change to a ‘Pro Health’ diet. Its about making simple swaps rather than extreme restrictions. Start today by reducing the amount of highly processed, high sugar, salt & fat foods you eat. Its No 1 when it comes to how to start eating a pro health diet. Try swapping high sugar, salt, fat and processed foods to their healthier whole food, high fibre, healthy fat alternatives. Whole foods allow the body to experience, sustained energy releasing carbohydrates which contribute to a healthy gut microbiome -
Healthy gut, healthy us. More energy, less stress, better sleep, healthier clearer skin and improved mood.

Want some more Pro Health diet tips?

Try these following suggestions:

  • Eat a variety of foods to ensure adequate intake of nutrients

  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables - the bigger the variety and selection of colour’s, the better

  • Consume whole grains, nuts and healthy fats rich in unsaturated fatty acids

  • Reduce your intake of saturated fats

  • Limit sugar intake. Especially refined sugars.

  • Cut back on salt

  • Drink good quality water regularly

  • Aim to eat only when you’re hungry

  • Try to avoid snacking between main meals. It confuses the body’s natural signals of ‘enough food’ from your brain to your gut

  • Try to avoid eating when ‘On the Go’. Remember, when and where we choose to eat can also impact on our health.

Eat right, feel happy.

There’s an added bonus when we start to pay attention to what, where and how we’re eating. As well as being one of the key foundations for promoting better health & wellbeing, when we eat well, we feel good and naturally enjoy life more. And when we enjoy life more, we naturally become aware of feeling and experiencing a greater sense of happiness in life.

‘Already eat to boost your foundations for health?’

‘Want to find more ways to be Healthier and Happier?’

And, how to help reduce chronic health, or lifestyle driven conditions and issues with when, how and what you eat?

Learn more about your food, nutrition & Diet - ‘Eating right’, or need guidance and support with your Health & Wellbeing journey. Please use my contact form to get in touch.

Professionally trained and qualified to support people with their Life’s journey.

Helping you achieve success and fulfilment in all areas of your life. Best wishes always - Julie


Healthy Blueberry Muffins


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