Foundations of Health & Wellbeing
Essentially the key foundations of health can be broken down into the following 5 areas—physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. Perhaps you’ve read about these key areas before, but wondered how can this be achieved on a day-to-day basis, on a more practical level?
Addressing imbalances in each of these areas is a good starting point and will not only improve one’s overall health but more importantly can be considered as a preventative medicine and a measure for longer term good health and disease management. By addressing any imbalances in these areas of our life we can start to help ourselves to create a happier, healthier version of us. Who we are and who we are wanting to become?
My Top 5 Wellbeing recommendations
Nutrition & Diet - Eating right - Learning the principles of good nutrition and applying them in your life.
Relaxation, Rest & Sleep - Neutralising stress – learning some method or methods of negating harmful stress.
Movement, Activity & Exercise – getting regular physical activity.
Personal Growth, Learning & Development - Having social and intellectual connection throughout life.
Social/Spiritual & Mental Health - Spiritual wellbeing – that is the non -physical dimension of our lives.
If these Key Foundations to Health sound familiar to you, that’s probably because you’re already aware of Dr Weil’s basic pillars for Health, Wellbeing and happiness. He believes that working on improving these key areas can help people create and maintain good health. If you’re not familiar with Dr Andrew Weil, he’s an M.D., and a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine. A healing-oriented approach to health which includes the body, mind, and spirit. Integrative medicine values the interconnection between our Mind, Body and Spirit.
Health & Wellbeing naturally encourage us to feel happy
There’s an added bonus when we pay attention to these foundations of health & wellbeing. Its happiness. When we feel good, we naturally enjoy life more. And when we enjoy life more, we naturally become aware of feeling happier and experiencing happiness more.
Do you already practice any of these key foundations of health?
Which ones should you incorporate more of in your life for you to be Healthier and Happier?
If you’d like to learn more about the Key Foundations of Health, or need support with your Health & Wellbeing journey. Please use my contact form to get in touch.
Professionally trained and qualified to support people with their Life’s journey.
Helping you achieve success and fulfilment in all areas of your life. Best wishes always - Julie